Making pots has always brought me joy.

At first it was a simple desire to learn a skill and get better; figure out centering, learn how to make a pot taller. As my skill grew and my hands got smarter I started to care deeply about making “nice” pots; pots that are functionally sound with good proportions and surrounding all of those things, beautiful pots.
Surrounded by incredible makers in Minnesota, I’ve been lucky to land in such rich pottery tradition rooted in functional and organic pottery. Now I’m trying to make my own pots informed by tradition.
Right now my pots are made in a renovated two car garage. Dark stoneware covered in white slip helps to create some visual depth in my electric kiln and to brings folks into the moments of making with finger marks, drips and swipes. It’s my hope that the joy I have making the work spills into the lives my customers. I’ve now started to decorate my work with colors and simple patterns because it reflects the joy I feel when I’m in the studio.
My wife/ partner and I have two small kids and we live in Minnesota. I work as a Registered Nurse three days a week, a potter two days a week, and a tired, happy dad seven days a week.

There is something special about using handmade pottery. They remind us that a human being took time to make something special. It’s a ritual creator and connects us in some small way to the joy of process.

Joyfully made to be joyfully used. (also some cute family pictures)